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      楼主: mem
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       楼主| mem 发表于 24-5-2011 16:40:45
      本帖最后由 mem 于 2011-5-24 16:41 编辑

      回复 雲車浪子 的帖子

      it's gonna rain on friday.    incoming tide on fri and sat morning though.
      will see how the weather goes
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      雲車浪子 发表于 24-5-2011 16:59:56
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      i sent u my contact. pls feel free to let me know if u come as well
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       楼主| mem 发表于 26-5-2011 19:20:49
      今天虧大發了{:4_120:}  本想試試水,結果浪費了一個三文魚頭,蝦,魷魚,沙丁魚各一條,才換回四條小雜魚,唯一一條whiting還是undersize要放生。   蟹倒是撈了九只,不過前八只都是rockcrab根本不能吃,最后第九只終于撈到了sandcrab。。。。可憐的距離legal size 差了1cm又要放生。  另外有一只18cm左右的花蟹從網下偷吃,在我把網拉到半空時表演花蟹跳水。  看著我的晚餐就這樣跑了。。。{:4_147:}
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       楼主| mem 发表于 26-5-2011 19:25:56
      倒霉的時候什么事都可能發生。 沒海鮮大餐了,回家經過kfc隨便買個two-piece-feed take away做晚餐,誰知道回來打開一看竟然沒有給我薯條。 剛剛把里面所有能吃的都吃了,可還是很餓啊啊啊啊。 我的薯條!!!
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      雲車浪子 发表于 26-5-2011 22:00:19
      Hahahha. 我上次找釣到一隻rock crab. 煮了的確很香,不過沒有肉的!!
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      雲車浪子 发表于 27-5-2011 12:25:33
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      REALLY??!!! My friend told me it can eat ca wor....
      But the taste is not too good thought...
      So did u release all if u catch Rock Crab?
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       楼主| mem 发表于 27-5-2011 17:39:47
      回复 雲車浪子 的帖子

      I gave all rockcrabs to an aussie guy to use as bait
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       楼主| mem 发表于 29-5-2011 00:42:52
      回复 雲車浪子 的帖子

      tried on sat morning and only had one small squid.
      a dolphin was swimming along the shallow water that scared all fish away.

      how was your catch?
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      雲車浪子 发表于 29-5-2011 18:40:35
      回复 mem 的帖子

      Hahaha I went Brighton Fri night at 2am and Sun afternoon.  Just miss Sat!!!! We caught total of 6 squids, but all small size. I quite like small size as Taste better. Dolphin is a problem. Sun afternoon saw dolphin and then we got nothing so leave.  When will u go again?
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       楼主| mem 发表于 29-5-2011 22:17:04
      回复 雲車浪子 的帖子

      2am!!  you are so enthusiastic into squid fishing.   love squid and bluey
      might go during the weekends
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