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      砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 12:35:27 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      2338 10


      本帖最后由 砂锅米线 于 2013-5-20 11:13 编辑


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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 20:48:36
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 18:23
      Buy this one:

      http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SPARKLE-GEFORCE-GTS450-2GB-2048MB-PCI-E-D3-VGA-HDMI-DVI- ...


      处理器        英特尔 酷睿2 四核 Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
      主板        技嘉 EP45-DS3 (英特尔 4 Series 芯片组 - ICH10)
      显卡        Nvidia GeForce 210 ( 1 GB / 华硕 )

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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 22:16:09
      本帖最后由 砂锅米线 于 2013-5-19 22:50 编辑
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 22:06
      Your GeForce 210 will not be able to play any recent games. The CPU is alright. Should be able to pa ...

      Thank you for your advice. The PSU I bought half year ago is 550W. It was brand new however other parts were all second-hand. The mainboard doesn't have integrated graphics chip so I bought the GF 210 from the same seller. It is obvious that it cannot support some big games. Now I really want to play games on this desktop rather than my alienware 14x so I am considering to update my graphic card. What do you think is the best graphic card that my CPU can support if I could afford it?
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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 23:01:23
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 23:18

      If you get a card faster, I think your CPU won't keep up. Also, I based my recommendati ...

      I have a 24' full HD screen. It would be a pity if I don't play games on it..........
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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 23:22:03
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 23:18

      If you get a card faster, I think your CPU won't keep up. Also, I based my recommendati ...

      How about 2G GT630 or 640? Here is a price list from MSY

      2G GT630 MSI /Gigabyte/ Asus// 58/63/69
           GT640 MSI/ Gigabyte /Asus //89/87/95

      I think second-hand would be cheaper.......I am sure I will change my mainboard and cpu one day and I will buy a high-end graphic card but for now I just need a normal and cheap one to play some old games such as Civilization 5 and Total War。。。。
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